Saturday, February 27, 2010

Two hours and thirty-nine minutes

Wow! This morning I ran the Cowtown Half-marathon in Ft. Worth, TX. I have been training off and on for several months, but since December I have really slacked off with my training. I wasn't nearly where I was supposed to be at this point, seven miles being the longest I had run in one session. Until this morning. As it always is with a race, it is easier to keep a faster pace than normal because there are SO many people around you running at different speeds, and maybe I'm not normal, but when there are people around me, I always feel like I need to pass them! After a couple miles, I realized I needed to stop trying to pass people, so I slowed down a bit. Funny thing, when I knew I had a total of thirteen miles to go, those miles seemed to last forever! Around mile six, I was really wishing that I had signed up for the 10K instead! I allowed myself to walk if I felt like I needed it, so I would give myself 2-3 minute walking breaks. Then I crossed the 11 mile mark. Something in my body just said NO MORE! I walked for a few minutes, tried to run again and had to stop and walk again after about 30-45 seconds. So, needless to say, the last two miles took me a long time!

Since it was my first half-marathon, my only real goal was to finish, but my unofficial goal was to finish in 2:30. I finished in 2:39 and I know it would have been within my time goal if I had been able to run the last two miles! I'm really sore at this point and I haven't been able to stop eating since I got home! It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but my resulting hunger has been insatiable all day! I hear it will be like that tomorrow, too. Now, I have to take two weeks off for "recovery" - walking only - and then training for a 10K in April. After that, hopefully another half-marathon this summer. Can't wait! :)

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