Thursday, June 4, 2009

just some news...

I heard back from the job in Houston... apparently my tears were more destructive than I imagined! Okay, maybe that wasn't the reasoning, but I didn't get the job. I am very disappointed! I had really become excited about the idea of moving down there, so I am still applying for jobs in that area. I'm praying something comes up soon!

In better news, I heard back from my unemployment hearing and they reversed the decision to deny my benefits. Yay! I haven't gotten the money yet, but I'm hoping it comes soon. I can't tell you what it does to your spirit to have to depend on other people for sustenance after caring for yourself for so long. Even though I will still have to live with my parents, I will be able to pay some bills and buy food for myself occasionally. That is a relief!

I have been showing my house to prospective renters for a couple weeks now. One family came to view it yesterday twice, so I'm hoping I hear back from them today (or very soon). They wanted to think it over, which I completely understand. I am cautious about renting it to just anyone because I really don't want to end up with a trashed house when the lease is up. But at the same time, I really hate having to make judgments about people based on "gut feelings" but what else can you do?

Lots going on, obviously, but I'm hoping to add some interviews to the mix very soon!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Sorry about the job. Yay about the benefits. Everything will work out...

  2. It is great that you are showing the house. Soon you will be getting some income from that - at least to pay the mortgage!

    Thanks for posting! I miss you girl!
